ஞாயிறு, 30 ஜூன், 2019

உருபும் பயனும் உடன் தொக்க தொகை!
பதிவில் கேட்கப்பட்ட கேள்விகளுக்கு
வாசகர்கள் மற்றும் பதிவைப் படிப்பவர்கள்
விடையளிக்க வேண்டும் என்று கோருகிறோம்.

கூடுதல் வினாக்கள்! இவற்றுக்கும்
விடையளிக்க வேண்டும்!
இலக்கணக் குறிப்பு என்ன?
11) சுவர்க் கடிகாரம்
12) கைக்குழந்தை
13) புஷ்பக் காவடி
14) கிணற்றுத் தவளை
15) பல்வலி

மண்குடம் என்பது சரியே!
மண்குடம் என்பது மூன்றாம் வேற்றுமை உருபும் பயனும்
உடன் தொக்க தொகை என்பதும் சரியே!
1) மண்குடம் என்பது மூன்றாம் வேற்றுமை உருபும்
பயனும் உடன் தொக்க தொகை என்பது பிழையானது
என்று திரு வேல்முருகன் எழுதி உள்ளார்.
திரு வேல்முருகனின் கூற்று முற்றிலும் தவறாகும்.

2) மண்குடம் என்றால் மண்ணால் ஆன குடம் என்று
பொருள். அதாவது மண்ணால் செய்யப்பட்ட குடம்
என்று பொருள்.

3) மண்ணால் ஆன குடம் என்பதில் ஆல் என்பது
மூன்றாம் வேற்றுமை உருபு. இது தொக்கி நிற்கிறது.
அதாவது மறைந்து நிற்கிறது.

4) வேற்றுமை உருபு மட்டுமா தொக்கி நிற்கிறது?
இல்லை. உருபின் பயனும் தொக்கி நிற்கிறது.
" ஆன" என்பது உருபின் பயன். இதுவும் தொக்கி

5) ஆக, மண்குடம் என்பதில் "ஆல்" என்னும் மூன்றாம்
வேற்றுமை உருபும், "ஆன" என்னும் அதன் பயனும்
சேர்ந்து தொக்கி நிற்கிறது. எனவே இது மூன்றாம்
வேற்றுமை உருபும் பயனும் உடன் தொக்க தொகை ஆகும்.

6) திரு வேல்முருகன் இதை (மண்குடம் என்பதை)
உம்மைத்தொகை என்கிறார். இது பிழை.
இது எங்ஙனம் உம்மைத்தொகை ஆகும்?

7) மண்குடம் என்பது உம்மைத்தொகை என்றால்,
மண்ணும் குடமும் என்று விரியும். அதாவது
மண்ணும் குடமும் என்று பொருள்படும்.

8) எனவே அடித்துக் கூறுகிறேன்: மண்குடம் என்பது
மூன்றாம் வேற்றுமை உறுப்பும் பயனும் உடன் தொக்க
தொகையே. இதுவே சரியானது. இது மட்டுமே
சரியானது. மண்குடம் என்பது உம்மைத்தொகை

மண்குடம் என்பதை மட்குடம் என்றுதான் எழுத
வேண்டும் என்று வாதிடுவது விதண்டாவாதம்.
இது தமிழுக்கு எதிரானது; காப்பியர் நெறிக்கு
எதிரானது. (காப்பியர் நெறி = தொல்காப்பியர் நெறி).

ஆழிசூழ் உலகில் உள்ள எட்டுக்கோடித் தமிழர்களும்
தம் நாவால் மண்குடம் என்று ஒலிக்கும்போது,
இல்லை மட்குடமே சரி; மண்குடம் தவறு என்று
பேசுவது குறித்து என்ன சொல்வது?

காலத்துக்கு ஒவ்வாப் புணர்ச்சி விதிகள்
செல்லாத நாணயம் போன்றவை. அவை இன்று

பழையன கழிதலும் புதியன புகுதலும்
வழுவல கால வகையினானே.
இதுதான் தமிழ் மரபு.

மண்ணும் குடமும் புணரும்போது மட்குடம்
என்று மட்டுமே புணர வேண்டும் என்று கூறுவது
புணர்ச்சியின் போது புழைக்குள் ஆண்குறியை
இத்தனை பாகை அளவில்தான் (inclination)
உட்செலுத்த வேண்டும் என்று கட்டளை இடுவது

மொழி தொடர்ந்து இயங்கிக்  கொண்டே இருக்கிறது;
இயக்கத்தின் போக்கில் மாறிக்கொண்டே இருக்கிறது
என்ற அழியா உண்மையைக் கருத்தில் கொள்ள
மறுக்கும் கதவடைப்புவாதமே  மட்குட வலியுறுத்தல்.

மட்குடம் = பண்டையச் செய்யுள் வழக்கு.
மண்குடம் = அன்று முதல் இன்று வரை மக்களின்
உயிர்த்துடிப்பான பேச்சு வழக்கு.

பேச்சு வழக்கே முதன்மை என்பது தொல்காப்பியர் நெறி.

இலக்கணக் குறிப்புத் தருக.
1) தூண்டில் புழு
2 கூண்டுக்கிளி
3. மணல்வீடு
4. தொட்டில் குழந்தை
5. பொற்றாமரை
6 பொன்மான்
7 கால் கொலுசு
உன் கால் கொலுசின் ஒரு சலங்கை ஒலி
பல கவிஞர்கள் கற்பனை தவிடுபொடி.

வைர மூக்குத்தி


1) கோளிற் பொறியில் குணமிலவே எண்குணத்தான்
தாளை வணங்காத் தலை.

2) தனக்குவமை இல்லாதான் தாள்சேர்ந்தார்க் கல்லால்
மனக்கவலை மாற்றல் அரிது.

3) அறவாழி அந்தணன் தாள்சேர்ந்தார்க் கல்லால்
பிறவாழி நீத்தல் அரிது.

மேற்கூறிய மூன்று குறட்பாக்களிலும் தாள் என்பது
பாதம் என்ற பொருளில் வந்துள்ளது.

அன்பிற்கும் உண்டோ அடைக்குந்தாழ் ஆர்வலர்
புன்கண்ணீர் பூசல் தரும்
என்ற குறளில் தாழ் என்பது தாழ்ப்பாள் என்ற பொருளில்

தாள் = பாதம், காகிதம்
தாழ் = தாழ்ப்பாள், தாழ்வு
சரியான பொருள் மேற்கூறியதே.      

பூங்கதவே தாழ் திறவாய் என்று சரியாகத்தான்
வைரமுத்து எழுதி உள்ளார். அவர் தாள் என்று

கதவைத் தாழிடுதல், கதவின் தாழ் திறத்தல்
ஆகியவற்றில் ள வருமா அல்லது ழ வருமா
என்ற மாணவர்களின் கேள்விக்கு விடையாக
இப்பதிவு எழுதப் பட்டுள்ளது.
தாழிடுதல், தாழ் திறத்தல் என்பவையே சரியானவை.

அன்பிற்கும் உண்டோ அடைக்குந் தாழ் என்பதில்
வள்ளுவர் தாள் என்று எழுதவில்லை. குறளே
அனைவர்க்கும் வழிகாட்டி.

துவக்க உரை நிகழ்த்தினார்!
வகுப்பு துவங்கியது!
இவை பிழையானவை.
தொடக்கம் என்பதே சரி.
தொடக்க உரை, தொடங்கியது. இவையே சரி!

இருப்பினும் பதிவை எழுதியவன் என்ற முறையில்
நான்கு குறட்பாக்களை எடுத்துக்காட்டி தாள் என்ற 
சொல்லை தாழ்ப்பாள் என்ற பொருளில் வள்ளுவர்
வழங்கவில்லை என்று நிரூபித்துள்ளேன்.

வழக்கில் இல்லை. வழக்கு வீழ்ந்திருப்பின்
அதையேனும் சுட்டலாம். நாம் திட்டவட்டமான
நோக்குடனும், மிக்க தெளிவுடனும், ஆழ்ந்த
அக்கறையுடனும் (seriously) ஒரு பதிவை எழுதுகிறோம்.
பிறர் அப்படி அல்லர். போகிற போக்கில் மிகவும்
casually பிழையான எதையோ ஒன்றைச் சொல்லி
விட்டுச் சென்று விடுவார். பொதுவெளியில்
எழுதும்போது இத்தகைய இடர்கள் மேலிடுவது

இதனால்தான் நான் ஆயிரம் நிபனைகளை IQ சார்ந்து
விதிக்க நேர்கிறது.

ஒவ்வொரு பூக்களுமே சொல்கிறதே!
இழிந்த பிழை!
எனக்கு அதிகாரம் இருந்தால் இதை எழுதிய
பா விஜய் என்பவனைத் தூக்கில் இடுவேன்! 

அது வழுவமைதியில் வரும்.

பா விஜய் எழுதியது வழுவமைதி ஆகாது; ஆகவும்
இயலாது. வழுவமைதிக்கு இலக்கணம் இருக்கிறது.
பெருவழக்காக ஆகும்போது மட்டுமே ஒரு வழுவை
அமைதிப் படுத்துகிறது இலக்கணம்.

வெட்கம் என்ற சொல் வழக்கில் வெக்கம் என்றே
ஆளப்படுகிறது. வெக்கம் என்பது பெருவழக்காய்
உள்ளது. இதை ஆராய்ந்தார் தொல்காப்பியர்.
இவ்வாறு வருவதை, அதாவது இரு வேறு மெய்கள்
அடுத்தடுத்து வருகையில், அடுத்து வரும் உயிர்மெய்யைப்
பொறுத்து,  முன்னது மறைந்து பின்னது
ஓங்குதலை, மெய்மயக்கம் (CLUSTER) என்று இலக்கணம்
செய்தார் தொல்காப்பியம். அதாவது வெட்கம் என்பது
வெக்கம் என்றாதல் மெய்மயக்கம்.

ஒரு ஓர் பயன்பாட்டில், இரண்டுக்கும் உள்ள
வேற்றுமையை மக்கள் கருத்தில் கொள்வதே இல்லை.
பேச்சு வழக்கில் "ஓர்" பயன்பாடு இல்லை. எனவே
வழுவமைதி தேவைப் படுகிறது.

அலட்சியம், ஆணவம், தமிழை மதியாமை ஆகிய
இழியுணர்வுகளால் உந்தப்பட்டு பா விஜய் எழுதியது
பெருங்கயமை. ஒவ்வொரு பூக்களுமே என்று
பேச்சு வழக்கில் இல்லை; இல்லவே இல்லை.
முற்றிய மனநோயாளி கூட ஒவ்வொரு பூவும்
என்றுதான் சொல்வான். ஆக வழக்கில் இல்லாத
ஒன்றை வழுவமைதியாக ஏற்க இயலாது.

செக்குக்கும் சிவலிங்கத்துக்கு உள்ள வேறுபாட்டைக்
கருத்தில் கொள்ளாமல் பேசக்கூடாது.

ஓர் இரவு என்பதே இலக்கணப்படி சரி.
அறிஞர் அண்ணாவின் நாடகம் ஓர் இரவு
என்றே பெயரிடப்பட்டது.
அடுத்து வருவது உயிர் என்றால், "ஓர்" என்று
எழுத வேண்டும். ஓர் ஆண்டு, ஓர் உலகம்,
ஓர் எருது, ஓர் உழவன் என்று எழுதுவதே சரியானது;
இலக்கணப்படி சரியானது.

அடுத்து வருவது உயிர்மெய் என்றால், "ஒரு" என்று
எழுத வேண்டும். ஒரு வீடு, ஒரு காடு, ஒரு தொட்டில்
என்றே எழுத வேண்டும். நிற்க.

ஜெயகாந்தனின் புகழ் ஏற்ற நாவலான " ஒரு மனிதன்,
ஒரு வீடு, ஒரு உலகம்" என்பதில் ஒரு உலகம்
என்றே எழுதினார்.நான் இதை வழுவமைதியாக

"அவளுக்கென்று ஓர் மனம்" என்ற திரைப்படம்
வந்தபோது, "ஓர் மனம்" என்று பெயரிட்டது தவறு என்றும்
"ஒரு மனம்" என்பதே  சரி என்றும் தமிழறிஞர்
மகா வித்துவான் மே வீ வேணுகோபாலப்பிள்ளை

வானியல் நிகழ்வுகள் (celestial events) ஆயிரக்கணக்கில்
அன்றாடம் நிகழ்ந்து கொண்டிருக்கின்றன. அவற்றில்
சில கவனம் பெறுகின்றன. நீங்கள் குறிப்பிடும்
நிகழ்வு இயல்பானதே. இது நமது புவியின்
வளிமண்டலத்தால் ஏற்படும் நிகழ்வு. இது ஓர் ஒளியியல்
நிகழ்வு (optical phenomenon). சூரிய ஒளி சிதறடிக்கப்
படுவதால் நேரும் நிகழ்வு இது.

மலையாளத்துக்கு ஏன் போக வேண்டும்?
திருநெல்வேலியில் எங்கள் ஊரில் (வீரவநல்லூர்)
இன்றும் தாழ்ப்பாள் என்ற சொல்லையே மக்கள்
பயன்படுத்தி வருகின்றனர்.

வாழ்த்துக்கள் அம்மா. பின்நவீனத்துவக்
கோட்பாட்டாளர்களின் வரிசையில் நீங்கள்
இடம் பெற்றிருப்பதாக அறிகிறேன்.

"இதை விடக் கடினம்" என்பதே சரியானது.
" இதை விடப் பகை ஏது?" என்பதே சரியானது.

அகர ஈற்றின் முன் வல்லினம் மிகும் என்ற விதியின் கீழ்
மேற்கூறியவை சரியானவை.

:"இந்தியை விடச் சிறந்தது தமிழ்" என்பதையும் கருதுக.

இதை விட காரணம் வேறென்ன?
இந்த வாக்கியத்தைக் கருதுக.
இவ்வாக்கியத்தில் வல்லினம் மிகுந்தால்
ஒரு பொருளும், மிகாமல் இருப்பின் வேறு ஒரு
பொருளும் கிடைக்கும்.

"இதை விடக் காரணம் வேறு என்ன வேண்டும்?"
என்ற வாக்கியத்தில், வல்லினம் மிகுந்துள்ளது.
இதன் பொருள்:  இதுவே சிறந்த காரணமாகி
விட்டது; வேறு காரணம் எதுவும் இதை விடப்
பெரிதானதில்லை என்ற பொருள் கிடைக்கும்.

இதை விட காரணம் வேறு என்ன?
இந்த வாக்கியத்தில் வல்லினம் மிகவில்லை.
இதன் பொருள்:
இதை விட (அதாவது இதை விட்டு விடுவதற்கு)
காரணம் வேறென்ன வேண்டும்?

இதை விடத் 

அகர ஈற்றின் முன் வல்லினம் மிகும் பிற இடங்கள்:
1) ஆடத் தெரியாத நாட்டியக்காரி
2) எழுதப் படிக்கத் தெரியுமா?
3) ஒளியத் தெரியாதவன் தலையாரி வீட்டில் ஒளிந்தான்.
4) ஓட்டப் பந்தயம்
5) உன் மனைவி பாடத் தெரிந்தவளா?
6) ஆங்கிலப் புத்தகம் வாசிக்கத் தெரியுமா?
7) போகச் சொன்னான்
8) தேடக் கிடைக்காத செல்வம்.
9) நீந்தக் கற்றுக்கொள்.
10) திருடப் பழகினான்.


உம்மைத் தொகையில் வல்லினம் மிகாது.
இதை புரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டுமெனில்,
உம்மைத்தொகை என்றால் என்ன என்று
முதலில் தெரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும்.

உம்மைத்தொகை தமிழின் அற்புதங்களில் ஒன்று.
உம்மை என்பது "உம்" என்பதைக் குறிக்கும்.
ஆங்கிலத்தில் உள்ள and போன்றது.

ஆணும் பெண்ணும், தாயும் தந்தையும்,
நகரமும் கிராமமும் ஆகியவற்றில் உம்மை
தன்னை வெளிப்படுத்திக் கொண்டுள்ளது.

இவ்வாறு வெளிப்படையாகத் தெரியாமல்
தன்னை மறைத்துக் கொண்டு, அதே பொருளைத்
தந்தால் அது உம்மைத்தொகை எனப்படும்.
இதோ பாருங்கள்:

ஆண் பெண்
தாய் தந்தை
கணவன் மனைவி
அண்ணன் தம்பி
வெற்றிலை பாக்கு
மேசை நாற்காலி
நாடு நகரம்
ஆகிய எடுத்துக் காட்டுகள் அனைத்தும்
உம்மைத்தொகை ஆகும்.

ஆண் பெண் என்பது ஆணும் பெண்ணும் என்று
பொருள்படும். ஆனால் ஆண் பெண் என்பதில்
உம்மை இல்லை. அதவாது உம்மை தொக்கி நிற்கிறது.
எனவே இது உம்மைத்தொகை.
தொக்கி நிற்பது = மறைந்து நிற்பது.

உம்மைத்தொகையில் வல்லினம் மிகாது!
தேங்காய் பழம் என்பது உம்மைத்தொகை.
தேங்காய்ப்பழம் என்று வல்லினம் மிகுத்து
எழுதக் கூடாது. தேங்காய் பழம் என்பதே சரி.

மேலும் ஒரு எடுத்துக்காட்டு!
வெற்றிலை பாக்கு என்று எழுதுவதே சரி.
வெற்றிலைப்பாக்கு என்று ப் போட்டு
எழுதக் கூடாது.

ஆக, உம்மைத்தொகையில் வல்லினம் மிகாது
என்பது இப்போது எளிதாகப் புரியும் என்று
கருதுகிறேன். இவை அனைத்தும் 9, 10 பாட நூல்களில்
மாமியார் உடைத்தால் மண்குடம்!
கீரை வடையும் கிணற்று நீரும்!
மேற்கண்ட வாக்கியத்தில் வரும் மண்குடம் என்பதன்
இலக்கணக் குறிப்பு என்ன?

மண்குடம் என்பது மண்ணால் செய்யப்பட்ட குடம் என்று
பொருள் படும்.

ஆல் என்பது மூன்றாம் வேற்றுமை உருபு.
மண்குடம் என்பதில் ஆல் என்னும் மூன்றாம்
வேற்றுமை உருபு தொக்கி நிற்கிறது.
(தொக்கி நிற்றல் = மறைந்து நிற்றல்).

வேற்றுமை உருபு மட்டுமா தொக்கி நிற்கிறது?
வேற்றுமைக்கு உருபைச் சேர்த்துச் சொல்லிப்
பாருங்கள். மண்ணால் குடம் என்று சொல்லலாம்.
அப்படிச் சொன்னாலும் பொருள் நிறைவு

மண்குடம் என்பதற்கு மண்ணால் செய்யப்பட்ட
குடம் என்றுதானே பொருள்.
மண்குடம் = மண் + ஆல் செய்யப்பட்ட + குடம்.

இங்கு ஆல் என்பதும் தொக்கி நிற்கிறது.
செய்யப்பட்ட என்பதும் சேர்ந்து தொக்கி நிற்கிறது.
அதாவது வேற்றுமை உருபும் தொக்கி நிற்கிறது.
வேற்றுமை உருபின் பயனும் தொக்கி நிற்கிறது.

எனவே இதை உருபும் பயனும் சேர்ந்து தொக்கி
நிற்கிறது என்கிறோம்.
(தொக்கி நிற்றல் = மறைந்து நிற்றல்).
இதைத்தான் தமிழ் இலக்கணம் உருபும் பயனும்
உடன் தொக்க தொகை என்கிறது.

ஆக, மண்குடம் = மூன்றாம் வேற்றுமை உறுப்பும் பயனும்
உடன் தொக்க தொகை ஆகும். இதுதான் மண்குடத்தின்
இலக்கணக் குறிப்பு.

மேலும் சில உதாரணங்கள்!
பொற்குடம் = பொன்னால் செய்யப்பட்ட குடம்.
எனவே இதுவும் மூன்றாம் வேற்றுமை உருபும் பயனும்
உடன்தொக்க தொகை ஆகும்.

தங்கக் கம்மல்,
நூல்சேலை (நூற்சேலை)
ஆகிய இவை அனைத்தும் மூன்றாம் வேற்றுமை உருபும்
பயனும் உடன்தொக்க தொகை ஆகும்.

சரி, நெய்க்குடம் என்பதன் இலக்கணக் குறிப்பு என்ன?
நெய்யால் செய்யப்பட்ட குடம் என்று பொருள்படாது
அல்லவா? எனவே மூன்றாம் வேற்றுமை உருபும்
பயனும் உடன்தொக்க தொகை என்று சொல்ல இயலாது.
பின் என்ன சொல்வது?

நெய்க்குடம் = நெய்யை உடைய குடம்.
இதில் ஐ என்னும் இரண்டாம் வேற்றுமை உருபும்
அதன் பயனும் சேர்ந்து தொக்கி நிற்கிறது அல்லவா?
எனவே இது இரண்டாம் வேற்றுமை உருபும்
பயனும் உடன் தொக்க தொகை ஆகும்.

கோரைப்பாய் = கோரையால் செய்த பாய். எனவே
மூன்றாம் வேற்றுமை உருபும் பயனும் உடன்தொக்க

தண்ணீர்ப் பானை = தண்ணீரை உடைய பானை.
இது இரண்டாம் வேற்றுமை உருபும் பயனும்
உடன் தொக்க தொகை.

சரி, பின்வருவனவற்றுக்கு உரிய இலக்கணக் குறிப்பு
என்ன? வாசகர்கள் விடையளிக்க வேண்டும்.
இது கட்டாயம்!

இலக்கணக் குறிப்பு என்ன?
1) வெள்ளிக் கொலுசு
2) கீரை வடை
3) வெண்ணெய்த் தாழி
4) அரிசிப்பானை
5) பருப்பு மூட்டை
6) கிணற்று நீர்
7) தங்கப் பதக்கம்
8) வெல்லப் பிள்ளையார்
9) தகர உண்டியல்
10) காகிதக் குவளை.
பின்குறிப்பு: வேற்றுமைகள் மொத்தம் எட்டு.
இவற்றுள் முதல் வேற்றுமை என்பது எழுவாய்
வேற்றுமை ஆகும். எட்டாம் வேற்றுமை என்பது
விளி வேற்றுமை ஆகும். இவற்றுக்கு உருபு இல்லை.
மீதி ஆறு வேற்றுமைக்கும் உருபு உண்டு.
இவற்றை நன்கு அறிந்திடுக. ஒவ்வொரு வேற்றுமைக்கும்
உரிய உருபும் பயனும் அறிந்திட வேண்டும்.

அவற்றை அறிந்தால்தான் வல்லினம் மிகும் இடம்,
மிகா இடம் பற்றி அறிய இயலும். கீழ்நிலை
வகுப்புகளின் இலக்கண நூற்களைக் கற்கவும்.



சனி, 29 ஜூன், 2019

Marxism book.... points
About the author
age, health, got out of field work
No tutions now.
worked in cetral govt and CPSU. TU activities, strikes etc.
punishments: transfer, arrests, imprisonment, 124A

labour conciliator: many cases attended.


Education: university first, VPS Gold medal.
student union activities, avier ollege union formation
all II and I year students were given TC.

Deptl inquiries, given defence.
Many from PALA were defended. defending the indefensible.
Amal William, natarajan, neyveli engineer, Kovai NTC employees,
Udumalai Kowsalya, tahsildhar samoornam

Paarppana terrorist confence in thanjavur.
Dr Aanand thel dhumde speech translated.
etc etc.


Contributions in SCIENCE
Essays in ariviyal oli.
science marches, conferneces etc

Karl Popper... facts shld be vfd.

Marxist  status. Competancy.

DOB 1848
170 ஆண்டுகளின் மாற்றம்.
பட்டரைத் தொழில் இருந்த காலம்.
முதலாளியம் சிசுவாக கைக்குழந்தையாக இருந்த
காலம் 1848.

சக்கரம் போல் மின்சாரம்.
மிமு மிபி என்று வரலாறு பிரிக்கப்படுகிறது
இன்று மின்சாரம் இல்லாத் தொழில் = 0

Annihilation of time and distance
kovalan kannaki took 6 months to go to madurai

workers participation in management
indian bank clerk ecomes indian bank CMD
Gopala krishnan of indian bank

In Luxemerg public transport ree to all
Even in India in Delhi Kejriwal made metro rail travel free for

5 days week, canteen in TVS, Transport facilities to staff in pvt companies,
transport allowance to CG Staff.
saththunavu, free bus pass, free lap top etc etc
pregnant women grant etc

REFORMS vs Revolution is the question.

முகிலன் எங்கே?
வீரை பி இளஞ்சேட்சென்னி
இந்த மன்றத்தில் ஓடி வரும்
இளம் தென்றலைக் கேட்கின்றேன்

வண்ண மலர்களின் அரும்பானாள்-உன்
மனதுக்குக் கரும்பானாள்
இன்று அலைகடல் துரும்பானாள்
என்று ஒரு மொழி கூறாயோ!  

முகிலன் குறித்த CB CID விசாரணை சரியான திசை வழியில்
சென்று கொண்டிருக்கிறது என்று சென்னை உயர்நீதிமன்றம்

முகிலன் தானே ஏற்படுத்திக்கொண்ட தலைமறைவில்
(self exile) இருக்கிறார் என்று CB CID கருதுவதாகத்
தெரிகிறது. உண்மையும் அதுதானே!

இந்த மன்றத்தில் ஓடி வரும்
இளம் தென்றலைக் கேட்கின்றேன்.

நடு இரவினில் விழிக்கின்றாள்-உன்
உறவினை நினைக்கின்றாள்
அவள் விடிந்தபின் துயில்கின்றாள்
எனும் வேதனை கூறாயோ!

மக்களின் வரிப்பணத்தில் முகிலனைத் தேடும் வேலை
நடந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறது. கோடிக்கணக்கில் பண
விரையம் ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது.

கற்பழிப்புக் குற்றவாளி முகிலன் உடனடியாகச்
சரண் அடைந்து விடுவது நல்லது.

வெள்ளி, 28 ஜூன், 2019

mARxISM Mao Talk On Questions Of Philosophy

August 18, 1964
[SOURCE: Mao chu-hsi tui P’eng, Hua-ng, Chang, Chou fan-tang chi-t’uan ti p’i-p’an]

It is only when there is class struggle that there can be philosophy. It is a waste of time to discuss epistemology apart from practice. The comrades who study philosophy should go down to the countryside. They should go down this winter or next spring to participate in the class struggle. Those whose health is not good should go too. Going down won’t kill people. All they’ll do is catch a cold, and if they just put on a few extra suits of clothes it’ll be all right.
The way they go about it in the universities at present is no good, going from book to book, from concept to concept. How can philosophy come from books? The three basic constituents of Marxism are scientific socialism, philosophy, and political economy.[1] The foundation is social science, class struggle. There is a struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. Marx and the others saw this. Utopian socialists are always trying to persuade the bourgeoisie to be charitable. This won’t work, it is necessary to rely on the class struggle of the proletariat. At that time, there had already been many strikes. The English parliamentary inquiry recognized that the twelve-hour day was less favourable than the eight-hour day to the interests of the capitalists. It is only starting from this viewpoint that Marxism appeared. The foundation is class struggle. The study of philosophy can only come afterwards. Whose philosophy? Bourgeois philosophy, or proletarian philosophy? Proletarian philosophy is Marxist philosophy. There is also proletarian economics, which has transformed classical economics. Those who engage in philosophy believe that philosophy comes first. The oppressors oppress the oppressed, while the oppressed need to fight back and seek a way out before they start looking for philosophy. It is only when people took this as their starting-point that there was Marxism-Leninism, and that they discovered philosophy. We have all been through this. Others wanted to kill me; Chiang Kai-shek wanted to kill me. Thus we came to engage in class struggle, to engage in philosophizing.
University students should start going down this winter  —  I am referring to the humanities. Students of natural science should not be moved now, though we can move them for a spell or two. All those studying the humanities  —  history, political economy, literature, law  —  must every one of them go. Professors, assistant professors, administrative workers, and student should all of them go down, for a limited period of five months. If they go to the countryside for five months, or to the factories for five months, they will acquire some perceptual knowledge. Horses, cows, sheep, chickens, dogs, pigs, rice, sorghum, beans, wheat, varieties of millet they can have a look at all these things. If they go in the winter, they will not see the harvest, but at least they can still see the land and the people. To get some experience of class struggle  —  that’s what I call a university. They argue about which university is better, Peking University or People’s University.[2] For my part I am a graduate of the university of the greenwoods, I learned a bit there. In the past I studied Confucius, and spent six years on the Four Books and the Five Classics.[3] I learned to recite them from memory, but I did not understand them. At that time, I believed deeply in Confucius, and even wrote essays [expounding his ideas]. Later I went to a bourgeois school for seven years. Seven plus six makes thirteen years. I studied all the usual bourgeois stuff  —  natural science and social science. They also taught some pedagogy. This includes five years of normal school, two years of middle school, and also the time I spent in the library.[4] At that time I believed in Kant’s dualism, especially in his idealism. Originally I was a feudalist and an advocate of bour! geois democracy. Society impelled me to participate in the revolution. I spent a few years as a primary-school teacher and principal of a four-year school. I also taught history and Chinese language in a six-year school. I also taught for a short period in a middle school, but I did not understand a thing. When I joined the Communist Party I knew that we must make revolution, but against what? And how would we go about it? Of course we had to make revolution against imperialism and the old society. I did not quite understand what sort of a thing imperialism was, still less did I understand how we could make revolution against it. None of the stuff I had learned in thirteen years was any good for making revolution. I used only the instrument  —  language. Writing essays is an instrument. As for the content of my studies, I didn’t use it at all. Confucius said: ‘Benevolence is the characteristic element of humanity.’ ‘The benevolent man loves others.’[5]Whom did he love? All men? Nothing of the kind. Did he love the exploiters? It wasn’t exactly that, either. He loved only a part of the exploiters. Otherwise, why wasn’t Confucius able to be a high official? People didn’t want him. He loved them, and wanted them to unite. But when it came to starving, and to [the precept] ‘The superior man can endure poverty,’ he almost lost his life, the people of K’uang wanted to kill him.[6] There were those who criticized him for not visiting Ch’in in his journey to the West. In reality, the poem ‘In the Seventh Month the Fire Star Passes the Meridian’ in the Book of Odes refers to events in Shensi. There is also ‘The Yellow Bird’, which talks about the affair in which three high officials of Duke Mu of Ch’in were killed and buried with him on his death.[7] Ssu-ma Ch’ien[8] had a very high opinion of the Book of Odes. He said the 300 poems it contains were all written by sages and worthies of ancient times when they were aroused. A large part of the poems in the Book of Odes are in the manner of the various states, they are the folk songs of the common people, the sages and worthies are none other than the common people. ‘Written when they were aroused’ means that when a man’s heart was filled with anger, he wrote a poem!
You sow not nor reap;
How do you get the paddy for your three hundred round binns?
You do not follow the chase;
How do we see the quails hanging in your courtyards?
O that superior man!
He would not eat the bread of idleness![9]
The expression ‘to neglect the duties of an office while taking the pay’ comes from here. This is a poem which accuses heaven and opposes the rulers. Confucius, too, was rather democratic, he included [in the Book of Odes] poems about the love between man and woman. In his commentaries, Chu Hsi characterized them as poems about clandestine love affairs.[10] In reality, some of them are and some of them aren’t; the latter borrow the imagery of man and woman to write about the relations between prince and subject. In Shu [present-day Szechwan] at the time of the Five Dynasties and Ten Countries, there was a poem entitled ‘The Wife of Ch’in Laments the Winter’, by Wei Chuang.[11] He wrote it in his youth, and it is about his longing for his prince.
To return to this matter of going down, people should go beginning this winter and spring, in groups and in rotation, to participate in the class struggle. Only in this way can they learn something, learn about revolution. You intellectuals sit every day in your government offices, eating well, dressing well, and not even doing any walking. That’s why you fall ill. Clothing, food, housing and exercise are the four great factors causing disease. If, from enjoying good living conditions, you change to somewhat worse conditions, if you go down to participate in the class struggle, if you go into the midst of the ‘four clean-ups’ and the ‘five antis’,[12] and undergo a spell of toughening, then you intellectuals will have a new look about you.
If you don’t engage in class struggle, then what is this philosophy you’re engaged in?
Why not go down and try it? If your illness gets too severe you should come back  —  you have to draw the line at dying. When you are so ill that you are on the verge of dying, then you should come back. As soon as you go down, you will have some spirit. (K’ang Sheng interjects: ‘The research institutes in the Departments of Philosophy and Social Science of the Academy of Science should all go down too. At present, they are on the verge of turning into institutes for the study of antiquities, of turning into a fairyland nourishing itself by inhaling offerings of incense. None of the people in the Institute of Philosophy read the Kuang-ming jih-pao.’) I read only the Kuang-ming jihpao and the Wen-hui pao,[13], I don’t read People’s Daily, because the People’s Daily doesn’t publish theoretical articles; after we adopt a resolution, then they publish it. The Liberation Army Daily is lively, it’s readable. (Comrade K’ang Sheng: ‘The Institute of Literature pays no attention to Chou Kuch’eng,[14] and the Economics Institute pays no attention to Sun Yeh-fang[15] and to his going in for Libermanism, going in for capitalism.’)
Let them go in for capitalism. Society is very complex. If one only goes in for socialism and not for capitalism, isn’t that too simple? Wouldn’t we then lack the unity of opposites, and be merely one-sided? Let them do it. Let them attack us madly, demonstrate in the streets, take up arms to rebel  —  I approve all of these things. Society is very complex, there is not a single commune, a single hsien, a single department of the Central Committee, in which one cannot divide into two. Just look, hasn’t the Department of Rural Work been disbanded?[16] It devoted itself exclusively to accounting on the basis of the individual household, and to propagating the ‘four great freedoms’  —  freedom to lend money, to engage in commerce, to hire labour, and to buy and sell land. In the past, they put out a proclamation [to this effect]. Teng Tzu-hui had a dispute with me. At a meeting of the Central Committee, he put forward the idea of implementing the four great freedoms.[17]
To consolidate New Democracy, and to go on consolidating it for ever, is to engage in capitalism.[18] New Democracy is a bourgeois-democratic revolution under the leadership of the proletariat. It touches only the landlords and the comprador bourgeoisie, it does not touch the national bourgeoisie at all. To divide up the land and give it to the peasants is to transform the property of the feudal landlords into the individual property of the peasants, and this still remains within the limits of the bourgeois revolution. To divide up the land is nothing remarkable  —  MacArthur did it in Japan. Napoleon divided up the land too. Land reform cannot abolish capitalism, nor can it lead to socialism.
In our state at present approximately one third of the power is in the hands of the enemy or of the enemy’s sympathizers. We have been going for fifteen years and we now control two thirds of the realm. At present, you can buy a [Party] branch secretary for a few packs of cigarettes, not to mention marrying a daughter to him. There are some localities where land reform was carried out peacefully, and the land reform teams were very weak; now you can see that there are a lot of problems there.
I have received the materials on philosophy. [This refers to the materials on the problem of contradictions  —  note by stenographer.] I have had a look at the outline, [This refers to the outline of an article criticizing ‘two combine into one’[19]  — note by stenographer.] I have not been able to read the rest. I have also looked at the materials on analysis and synthesis.
It is a good thing to collect materials like this on the law of the unity of opposites, what the bourgeoisie says about it, what Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin say about it, what the revisionists say about it. As for the bourgeoisie, Yang Hsien-chen talks about it, and Hegel of old talked about it. Such people existed in the olden days. Now they are even worse. There were also Bogdanov and Lunacharsky, who used to talk about deism. I have read Bogdanov’s economics. Lenin read it, and it seems he approved of the part on primitive accumulation. (K’ang Sheng: ‘Bogdanov’s economic doctrines were perhaps somewhat more enlightened than those of modern revisionism. Kautsky’s economic doctrines were somewhat more enlightened than those of Khrushchev, and Yugoslavia is also somewhat more enlightened than the Soviet Union. After all, Djilas said a few good things about Stalin, he said that on Chinese problems Stalin made a self-criticism.’)
Stalin felt that he had made mistakes in dealing with Chinese problems, and they were no small mistakes. We are a great country of several hundred millions, and he opposed our revolution, and our seizure of power. We prepared for many years in order to seize power in the whole country, the whole of the Anti-Japanese War constituted a preparation. This is quite clear if you look at the documents of the Central Committee for that period, including On New Democracy. That is to say that you cannot set up a bourgeois dictatorship, you can only establish New Democracy under the leadership of the proletariat, you can only set up a people’s democratic dictatorship led by the proletariat. In our country, for eighty years, all the democratic revolutions led by the bourgeoisie failed. The democratic revolution led by us will certainly be victorious. There is only this way out, there is no other way out. This is the first step. The second step will be to build socialism. Thus, On New Democracy was a complete programme. It discussed politics, economics, and culture as well; it failed to discuss only military affairs. (K’ang Sheng: ‘On New Democracy is of great significance for the world communist movement. I asked Spanish comrades, and they said the problem for them was to establish bourgeois democracy, not to establish New Democracy. In their country, they did not concern themselves with the three points: army, countryside, political power. They wholly subordinated themselves to the exigencies of Soviet foreign policy, and achieved nothing at all.’) These are the policies of Ch’en Tu-hsiu! (Comrade K’ang Sheng: ‘They say the Communist Party organized an army, and then turned it over to others.’) This is useless.
(Comrade K’ang Sheng: ‘They also did not want political power, nor did they mobilize the peasantry. At that time, the Soviet Union said to them that if they imposed proletarian leadership, England and France might oppose it, and this would not be in the interests of the Soviet Union.’)
How about Cuba? In Cuba they concerned themselves precisely to set up political power and an army, and also mobilized the peasants, as [we did] in the past; therefore they succeeded.
(Comrade K’ang Sheng: ‘Also, when they [the Spanish] fought, they waged regular war, in the manner of the bourgeoisie, they defended Madrid to the last.[20] In all things, they subordinated themselves to Soviet foreign policy.’)
Even before the dissolution of the Third International, we did not obey the orders of the Third International. At the Tsunyi Conference we didn’t obey, and afterwards, for a period of ten years, including the Rectification Campaign and down to the Seventh Congress, when we finally adopted a resolution (‘Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of our Party’),[21] and corrected [the errors of] ‘leftism’, we didn’t obey them at all. Those dogmatists utterly failed to study China’s peculiarities; ten-odd years after they had betaken themselves to the countryside, they utterly failed to study the land, property, and class relationships in the countryside. You can’t understand the countryside just by going there, you must study the relations between all the classes and strata in the countryside. I devoted more than ten years to these problems before I finally clarified them for myself. You must make contact with all kinds of people, in tea houses and gambling dens, and investigate them. In 1925 I was active at the Peasant Movement Training Institute,[22] and carried out rural surveys. In my native village, I sought out poor peasants to investigate them. Their life was pitiable, they had nothing to eat. There was one peasant whom I sought out to play dominoes (the kind with heaven, earth, man, harmony, Mei Ch’ien, Ch’ang Sang, and the bench), afterwards inviting him to have a meal. Before, after, and during the meal, I talked to him, and came to understand why the class struggle in the countryside was so acute. The reasons he was willing to talk to me were: first, that I looked on him as a human being; second, that I invited him to have a meal; and third, that he could make a bit of money. I kept losing; I lost one or two silver dollars, and as a result he was very well satisfied. There is a friend who still came to see me twice! , after Liberation. Once, in those days, he was really in a bad way, and he came looking for me to borrow a dollar. I gave him three, as non-refundable assistance. In those days, such nonrefundable assistance was hard to come by. My father took the view that if a man did not look after himself, heaven and earth would punish him. My mother opposed him. When my father died, very few people followed the funeral procession. When my mother died, a great many followed the procession. One time the Ko Lao Hui robbed our family. I said they were right to do so, for people had nothing. Even my mother could not accept this at all.
Once there broke out in Changsha rice riots in which the provincial governor was beaten up. There were some hawkers from Hsiang Hsiang who had sold their broad beans and were straggling back home. I stopped them and asked them about the situation. The Red and Green Gangs in the countryside also held meetings, and ate up big families. This was reported in the Shanghai newspapers, and the troubles were only stamped out when troops were sent from Changsha. They did not maintain good discipline, they took the rice of the middle peasants, and so isolated themselves. One of their leaders fled hither and thither, finally taking refuge in the mountains, but he was caught there and executed. Afterwards, the village gentry held a meeting, and killed a few more poor peasants.  At that time, there was as yet no Communist Party; these were spontaneous class struggles.
Society pushed us on to the political stage. Who ever thought of indulging in Marxism previously? I hadn’t even heard of it. What I had heard of, and also read of, was Confucius, Napoleon, Washington, Peter the Great, the Meiji Restoration, the three distinguished Italian [patriots]  —  in other words, all those [heroes] of capitalism. I had also read a biography of Franklin. He came from a poor family; afterwards, he became a writer, and also conducted experiments on electricity. (Ch’en Po-ta: ‘Franklin was the first to put forward the proposition that man is a tool-making animal.’)
He talked about man being a tool-making animal. Formerly, they used to say that man was a thinking animal, ‘the organ of the heart can think’[23]; they said that man was the soul of all creation. Who called a meeting and elected him [to that position]? He conferred this dignity on himself. This proposition existed in the feudal era. Afterwards, Marx put forward the view that man is a tool-maker, and that man is a social animal. In reality it is only after undergoing a million years [of evolution] that man developed a large brain and a pair of hands. In the future, animals will continue to develop. I don’t believe that men alone are capable of having two hands. Can’t horses, cows, sheep evolve? Can only monkeys evolve? And can it be, moreover, that of all the monkeys only one species can evolve, and all the others are incapable of evolving? In a million years, ten million years, will horses, cows and sheep still be the same as those today? I think they will continue to change. Horses, cows, sheep, and insects will all change. Animals have evolved from plants, they have evolved from seaweed. Chang T’ai-yen knew all this. In the book in which he argued about revolution with K’ang Yu-wei, he expounded these principles.[24] The earth was originally dead, there were no plants, no water, no air. Only after I don’t know how many tens of millions of years was water formed; hydrogen and oxygen aren’t just transformed immediately in any old way into water. Water has its history too. Earlier still, even hydrogen and oxygen did not exist. Only after hydrogen and oxygen were produced was there the possibility that these two elements could combine to give water.
We must study the history of the natural sciences, it won’t do to neglect this subject. We must read a few books. There is a great difference between reading because of the necessities of our present struggles, and reading aimlessly. Fu Ying[25] says that hydrogen and oxygen form water only after coming together hundreds and thousands of times; it is not at all a simple case of two combining into one. He was right about this, too; I want to look him up and have a talk. (Speaking to Lu P’ing:[26]) You people should not oppose absolutely everything by Fu Ying.
Hitherto, analysis and synthesis have not been clearly defined. Analysis is clearer, but there hasn’t been much said about synthesis. I had a talk with Ai Ssu-ch’i.[27] He said that nowadays they only talk about conceptual synthesis and analysis, and do not talk about objective practical synthesis and analysis. How do we analyse and synthesize the Communist Party and the Kuomintang, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, the landlords and the peasants, the Chinese and the imperialists? How do we do this, for example, in the case of the Communist Party and the Kuomintang? The analysis is simply a question of how strong we are, how much territory we have, how many members we have, how many troops, how many bases such as Yenan, what are our weaknesses? We do not hold any big cities, our army numbers only 1,200,000, we have no foreign aid, whereas the Kuomintang has a great amount of foreign aid. If you compare Yenan to Shanghai, Yenan has a population of only 7,000; adding to this the persons from the [Party and government] organs and from the troops [stationed in Yenan], the total comes to 20,000. There is only handicrafts and agriculture. How can this be compared with a big city? Our strong points are that we have the support of the people whereas the Kuomintang is divorced from the people. You have more territory, more troops, and more arms, but your soldiers have been obtained by impressment, and there is opposition between officers and soldiers. Naturally there is also a fairly large portion of their armies which has considerable fighting capacity, it is not at all the case that they will all just collapse at one blow. Their weak point lies here, the key is their divorce from the people. We unite with the popular masses; they are divorced from the popular masses.
They say in their propaganda that the Communist Party establishes community of property and community of wives, and they propagate these ideas right down to the primary schools. They composed a song: ‘When Chu Te and Mao Tse-tung appear, killing and burning and doing all kinds of things, what will you do?’ They taught the primary-school pupils to sing it, and as soon as they had sung it, the pupils went and asked their fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, thus producing the opposite effect of propaganda for us. There was a little child who heard [the song] and asked his daddy. His daddy replied: ‘You mustn’t ask; after you have grown up, you will see for yourself and then you’ll understand.’ He was a middle-of-the-roader. Then the child also asked his uncle. The uncle scolded him, and replied: ‘What is this about killing and burning? If you ask me again, I’ll beat you.’ Formerly, his uncle was a member of the Communist Youth League. All the newspapers and radio stations attacked us. There were a lot of newspapers, several dozen in each city, every faction ran one, and all of them without exception were anti-communist. Did the common people all listen to them? Nothing of the kind! We have some experience of Chinese affairs, China is a ‘sparrow’.[28] In foreign countries, too, it’s nothing else but the rich and the poor, counter revolution and revolution, Marxism-Leninism and revisionism. You mustn’t believe at all that everybody will take in anticommunist propaganda, and join in opposing communism. Didn’t we read newspapers at the time? Yet we were not influenced by them.
I have read the Dream of the Red Chamber five times, and have not been influenced by it. I read it as history. First I read it as a story, and then as history. When people read the Dream of the Red Chamber, they don’t read the fourth chapter carefully, but in fact this chapter contains the gist of the book. There is also Leng Tzu-hsing who describes the Jung-kuo mansion, and composes songs and notes. The fourth chapter ‘The Bottle-Gourd Monk decides the affair of the bottle gourd, talks about the ‘Talisman for Officials’, it introduces the four big families:

Marism Mao on electrons
volume IX

Talk On Sakata’s Article

August 24, 1964
[SOURCE: Long live Mao Tse-Thought, a Red Guard Publication.]

Chairman: I have asked you to come here today because I want to look into the article by Sakata [Shoichi]. Sakata says that basic particles are indivisible while electrons are divisible. In saying this, he is taking the stand of dialectical materialism.
The world is infinite. In both time and space, the world is boundless and inexhaustible. Beyond our solar system are numerous stars which together from the Milky Way. Beyond this galaxy are numerous other galaxies. Regarded broadly the universe is infinite: regarded narrowly, the universe is also infinite. Not only is the atom divisible, but so too is the atomic nucleus and it can be split ad infinitum. Chuang Tzu said: “One can take away half of a hammer measuring one foot long daily, but there will still be no end to it even after ten thousand generations.” This is true. Thus, our cognition of the world is also infinite and inexhaustible. Otherwise, the science of physics would not develop any further. If our cognition were finite, we would already have recognized everything, and what would there be left for us to do?
Chairman: Man’s cognition of things must undergo a great many repetitions, and there must be a process of accumulation. A large amount of emotional data must be accumulated in order to induce the jump from emotional cognition, to rational cognition. As to the reasons for the leaps from practice to emotion, and from emotion to reasoning, neither Marx nor Engels discussed it very clearly. Nor did Lenin discuss it very clearly. In his Materialism and Empirio-Criticism, Lenin elaborated only on materialism, without elaborating upon the theory of cognition. Recently, Ai Ssu-ch’i discussed this point at the Higher Party School and he was correct in doing so. Even the men of the ancient past in China, including Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, did not explain it clearly. Mo Tzu did discuss some things concerning the theory of cognition, but not very clearly. Others like Chang Tsai, Li Chuo-wu, Wang Ch’uan-shan and T’an Ssu-t’ung also did not explain it clearly. What is philosophy? Philosophy is the theory of cognition, nothing else. I wrote the first ten articles of the Double Ten Articles [Shuang-shih T’iao], I discussed how substance changes into spirit and spirit into substance. I also said that the time devoted to teaching philosophy must not be too long, one hour at most. The more one talks about it, the more confused one becomes. I also said that philosophy ought to be liberated from classrooms and studies. My words touched the soft spots of some people who thereupon came out with “combining two into one” to oppose me.
Chairman: At present our cognition of many things is still rather unclear. Cognition is always developing. With a large telescope, we will be able to see more stars. In regard to the solar system and the earth, we have not as yet overthrown Kant’s nebular hypothesis that both the earth and the sun were formed by the contraction of extremely hot gases. Our earth is most probably still in its youth, and it is growing larger steadily because many things such as meteorites and sunlight, are falling on it every day. The sun has most probably reached its middle age, and it is no longer as hot as before. If the sunshine on the earth’s surface is so strong as to reach 100 degrees, how can human beings withstand it? The temperature of the sun’s surface is 5,000 or 6,000 degrees, and there is a layer on the surface with a temperature of some 1,000 - 3,000 degrees. If we say that we do not understand the sun too well, it goes without saying that we also are none too clear about the enormous space between the sun and the earth. Now, with the satellites, our understanding in this field has been considerably enhanced. We are not too clear about climatic changes on the earth, and we must study them. In regard to the glacial problem, scientist are still arguing it out. Li Szu-kuang maintains that there is a glacial period every one-million years. Whenever this happens, drastic changes occur in the biological world. Ancient dinosaurs became extinct because they could not withstand the frigid cold of the glacial age. Man was produced in between the two recent glacial periods. When it comes to a later glacial age, it would become a problem to mankind, and one must be prepared to cope with the advent of the next glacial period.
X X X: Chairman just mentioned something about telescope which reminds me of a question: Can’t we generally categorize such things as telescopes and satellites as being “tools of cognition?”
Chairman: What you say about the concept of “tools of cognition” seems very plausible. The tools of cognition should comprise such things as the axe, machinery, etc. Man’s cognition stems from practice. We use the axe and machinery to transform the world, and our cognition, is thus deepened. Tools are extensions of human organs. The axe is an extension of our arms while the telescope is an extension of our eyes. The human body and its organs can all be extended. Franklin said that man is the animal that creates tools. The Chinese say that the human being is the wisest of all creatures. Animals have their own pecking order, but the ape does not know how to fashion sticks to knock fruit off the trees. There are no concepts in the brains of animals.
XXX: Philosophical works usually only take the individual as the subject of cognition, but in practical life, the subject of cognition is often not an individual, but a collective. Are we right to regard our party as the subject of cognition?
Chairman: A class is the subject of cognition. In the beginning, the working class was a class in and of itself, and it had no knowledge of capitalism. Later, it developed from a class in and of itself into a class that existed for itself, and by that time, it began to understand capitalism. This was a case of the development of cognition based on class as the subject.
Chairman: There was no water on the earth in the beginning. In earliest times, the earth’s temperature was so high that it was impossible to have water, for it would have exploded to become hydrogen and oxygen. There was an article two days ago in the Kuang-ming Daily which says that it took millions of years for hydrogen and oxygen to combine and form water. Fu Ying said that it would take tens of millions of years. I don’t know if the author of that article has discussed it with Fu Ying. Only after there was water was it possible for living things to emerge from the water. Man evolved from fish, and there was a developmental stage in which the human embryo resembled fish.
Chairman: All individual and all specific things have their births, development, and deaths. Every person must die, because he was born. Man must die, and Chang San [i.e., any Tom, Dick or Harry] being a man, Chang San must die. None can see Confucius who lived 2,000 years ago, because he had to die. Mankind is born, and therefore mankind must also die. The earth was born, and so the earth must also die. Nonetheless, when we say that mankind will die and the earth will die, it is different from what Christians say about the end of the world. When we talk about the death of mankind and the death of the earth, we mean that something more advanced than mankind will come to replace it, and this is a higher stage in the development of things. I saw that Marxism also has its birth, its development and its death. This may seem to be absurd. But since Marx said that all things which happen have their death, how can we say that this is not applicable to Marxism itself? To say that it won’t die is metaphysics. Naturally, the death of Marxism means that something higher than Marxism will come to replace it.
Chairman: Things are continually in motion. Concerning the theory that the earth revolves around the sun, thus forming a day by self-orbit and a year by complete orbit, there were only three persons in the time of Copernicus in Europe who believed it, namely Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler. There was not a single person in China. However, there was a Hsin Ch’i-chi of the Sung dynasty who said in his poem that when the moon went down from us here, it would be shining somewhere else[1]. Chang Hua (courtesy name: Chang Mou-hsuan) of the Chin Dynasty wrote in one of his poems: “When T’ai-i [a constellation] moves in its orbit, heaven will return and earth will travel.” That poem is found in the Sources of Ancient Poems (Ku-Shih Yuan).
Chairman: All things are both constant and inconstant. The universe was constant, but later, the Chinese scientists Li Ch’eng-tao and Yang Ch’en-ning who live in the United States said it is not constant. Does this also apply to the constancy of mass and energy? There is nothing in the world that absolutely does not change. Changing and unchanging, then changing and unchanging combine to form the universe. Constancy and inconstancy, this is both equilibrium and disequilibrium. There is also the case where the equilibrium is completely disrupted. A generator is a good example to illustrate movement and transformation. What kind of movement is there when the coal is burning?
X X X: It is the energy emitted by the outer layer of electrons of the atoms of the compound when they change their orbit of motion.
Chairman: The transformation of its form in which the water expands and becomes steam is what produces the movement.
X X X: The movement of the molecules produces energy.
Chairman: But this also causes the rotor of the generator to turn. This is mechanical movement which eventually generates electricity which flows into the copper and lead wires.
Everything in the world is changing, physics is changing, Newton’s laws of physics are changing. The world has evolved from one in which there was no Newtonian theory to one in which there was, and thereafter, from Newton’s theory to the theory of relatively. This is dialectics in itself.
Things are always happening in unexpected ways. Sun Yat-sen originally studied medicine, but he later became involved in politics. Kuo Mo-jo also started out studying medicine, but he later became a historian. Lu Hsun also studied medicine, but he later became a great writer. I myself have engaged in politics step by step. I studied the Confucian classics for six years, attended seven years of school, became a primary school teacher, and later taught middle school. I did not even know then what Marxism was; nor had I heard of Marx or Engels. I knew only about Napoleon and Washington. It was also like this when I found myself involved with military affairs. I served as director of the propaganda department in the Political Department of the National Revolutionary Army, and I also stressed the importance of fighting at the Institute of the Peasant [Movement], but I never thought that I myself would ever undertake military affairs and fight in battle. Later, I led my own men to fight and went to Ching-kang-shan. While at Ching-kang-shan, I had a small victory at first, but this was followed by two disastrous defeats. I then summed up my experiences and summarized them into a set of guerrilla war tactics:
“When the enemy advances we retreat; when the enemy rests we harass; when the enemy is tired we fight; when the enemy retreats we pursue.” Thanks to Generalissimo Chiang who gave us these lessons; thanks to some of those in the party who said that I did not even have a modicum of Marxism and that they were 100 percent Bolsheviks.[2] Nonetheless, it was also these 100 percent Bolsheviks who caused the party in the white area to suffer 100 percent losses, and the party in the Soviet area to suffer 90 percent losses.
Chairman: We produce neither food grains nor machinery, but what we produce are lines and policies. Line and policy are not produced from within a vacuum. For instance, we did not invent the “four cleanups” or the “five antis,” but it was the common people who told us about them. We must thank a counter-revolutionary in Kwangtung for the emergence of the “four clean-ups” and the “five antis.” He wrote to X X and X X to get me to abdicate political power and hand over the armed forces.
The scientists should align themselves with the masses; it behooves them to form close links with the young workers and the veteran workers. Our brain is a processing factory. Factory equipment must be renovated, and so our brains must also be renovated. The various cells of our body are being renewed continuously. The cells in our skin are no longer those with which we were born, but have been changed innumerable times.
There are several types of Chinese intellectuals. Engineering and technical personnel have accepted socialism more satisfactorily. Next come those who study science, while those who study liberal arts are the worst. I can see that this Feng Ting of yours must be a revisionist, because what he wrote in his books is all Khrushchev’s stuff.
Chairman: Ts’ao Hsueh-ch’in’s Dream of the Red Chamber was intended to patch up the heaven  —  the heaven of feudalism. Nonetheless, what Ts’ao Hsueh-ch’in wrote was about the decline of feudal families, and this may be regarded as a contradiction between Ts’ao’s world outlook and his creation. Ts’ao Hsuch-ch’in’s family fortune declined during the reign of Emperor Yung-cheng. Emperor K’ang-hsi had a number of children among whom Yung-cheng was one. Yung-cheng used his secret service operation to oppress his adversaries, and dubbed two other sons of K’ang-hsi, possibly it was the 9th and 10th, as pig and dog.
Chairman: Dissection is rather important. It is like the cook butchering a cow [’“Chung Tzu” parable; very skillfully done]. When Engels mentioned medicine, he paid special attention to dissection. Medicine is built upon the foundation of dissection.
We should study the origins of cells. The cell has its nucleus, a mass of protoplasm, and a membrane. The cell is organic, and so there must have been noncellular forms [cytooes] before there was the cell. What was there before the cell was formed? How was the noncellular form changed into the cell? There is a woman scientist in the Soviet Union who has been studying this problem, but no result has been reported.
X X X: After China reported to the International Surgical Conference in Rome about the rejoining of a severed hand, Americans said that they could not assess the ability of China’s science and technology, and they were a little scared of us.
Chairman: It is good that they were scared; it would be bad if they were not We are afraid of America because America is our enemy. When America is afraid of us, it means that we are her enemy, and also a formidable enemy. In science and technology, we should pay attention to security so that they won’t be able to assess our secret capability.


[1.] [A lyric piece, written to the tune]
“Mu-lan-hua Man:” At a party with the wine drinking close to dawn, some guest stated that among the poems written by men of old, there were some which spoke about waiting for the moon to arise, but none about bidding farewell to the moon. Thus, this poem is about the direction taken by the moon: Pity the moon of tonight, wither does it go, and will it be gone forever? Is there another world which will see it, with its bright shadow in the east? Out beyond the vastness of heaven are there long winds to send off the mid-autumn moon? Who can fasten the rootless mirror flying, and if the Moon Goddess never marries, who can tie her down?
[2.] A reference to the “leftists” under the leadership to Wang Ming, who claimed themselves to be 100 percent Bolsheviks, and who were firmly opposing comrade Mao’s correct line during the period 1931-35; see note 7 on p 78 of this volume.