1) வேறுபாடு முரண்பாடு இரண்டுக்குமான வித்தியாசம்.
Tamil society is heterogeneous and NOT homogeneous. Many differences.
Comparatively eropeans are homogeneous.
2) contradiction paradox fallacy dilemma oxymoron irony
3) fallacy 1=2 proof
4) lemma1, lemma 2, lemma 3
5) வஞ்சப்புகழ்ச்சி அணி கூட முரண் தான்.
இவ்வே பீலியணிந்து, பாரி பாரி என்று பல ஏத்தி
6) satire allegory
7) zenos paradox flying arrow. achieles and the tortoise
8) Russels paradox
experiment start with galileo 1564-1642 age 77
newton 25th december 1642-1726
Francis bacon 1561-1626
marx engels 1818-1883, 1820-1895
Even after 3 centuries, Marx failed to grasp science method.
When there is bike and scooter why go for bullock cart?
1. Reduction ad absurdum 2. dialectics 3. elenchus 4. inductive logic 5. deductive logic
The era of experiment and hence the era of science started from Galaileo.
Galileo, francis bacon, Newton all these three are NOT Germans.
Hegel is a German. This is the only reason.
Leibnitz vs Newton! Engels sided with Leibnitz. Who invented calcullus?
Is Newton an ass?
Germans are superior. Not only Hitler every Germans thinks.
Germans were humiliated by Stalin who ordered to rape all German women.
in Ussr german homeopathy was banned afr war victory.
square root of minus 1 is a contradiction, said Engels in anti dhurring
real contradiction, absurd contradiction, real absurdity, said Engels.
Is it true? No
Complex numbers are invented during
Euler gave the symbol i and called it iota.
To combat metaphysics Engels used dialectics.
BJP is worst. So I choose Congress.
Likewise to defeat metaphsics Engels took dialectics.
Tamil society is heterogeneous and NOT homogeneous. Many differences.
Comparatively eropeans are homogeneous.
2) contradiction paradox fallacy dilemma oxymoron irony
3) fallacy 1=2 proof
4) lemma1, lemma 2, lemma 3
5) வஞ்சப்புகழ்ச்சி அணி கூட முரண் தான்.
இவ்வே பீலியணிந்து, பாரி பாரி என்று பல ஏத்தி
6) satire allegory
7) zenos paradox flying arrow. achieles and the tortoise
8) Russels paradox
experiment start with galileo 1564-1642 age 77
newton 25th december 1642-1726
Francis bacon 1561-1626
marx engels 1818-1883, 1820-1895
Even after 3 centuries, Marx failed to grasp science method.
When there is bike and scooter why go for bullock cart?
1. Reduction ad absurdum 2. dialectics 3. elenchus 4. inductive logic 5. deductive logic
The era of experiment and hence the era of science started from Galaileo.
Galileo, francis bacon, Newton all these three are NOT Germans.
Hegel is a German. This is the only reason.
Leibnitz vs Newton! Engels sided with Leibnitz. Who invented calcullus?
Is Newton an ass?
Germans are superior. Not only Hitler every Germans thinks.
Germans were humiliated by Stalin who ordered to rape all German women.
in Ussr german homeopathy was banned afr war victory.
square root of minus 1 is a contradiction, said Engels in anti dhurring
real contradiction, absurd contradiction, real absurdity, said Engels.
Is it true? No
Complex numbers are invented during
Euler gave the symbol i and called it iota.
To combat metaphysics Engels used dialectics.
BJP is worst. So I choose Congress.
Likewise to defeat metaphsics Engels took dialectics.
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