சனி, 19 ஜூன், 2021

 another formulation of Classical mechanics is something called the Lagrangian formalism. In its essence, one is finding “the easiest path” for some object to travel. The above is the governing equation for this formalism, and it’s essentially Newton’s law. No one uses Newton’s laws in Physics past first grade or smth

I Get that the Construction of forces and the 2nd Law of Newton My seem a bit arbitrary, and in the lagrangian mech formulation at least we Get a Proof of why the E-L arise to describe the Physical phenomena. Nevertheless we are just trading the arbitrary starting point, i.e. the Construction of the lagrangian seems arbitrary if we didnt Know about newtonian Mechanics first.

Lagrangian பற்றித் தெரிந்திருந்தால் போதும்!
புரிய வரும்.
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