திங்கள், 26 ஜூன், 2017

By central rank

85 Percentile is 300 marks.

78 Percentile is 250 marks.

75 Percentile is 225 marks.

66 Percentile is 190 marks.

50 Percentile is 131 marks.

40 Percentile is 107 marks.

By calculation 400 marks equal 98 Percentile.

All India Ranks Rough

650-700. 100 candidates .
600-650. 500 - 100 ranks.
550-600. 1000-500 ranks.
500-550. 10000-1000 ranks.
450-500. 15000-10000
400-450 30000-15000
350-400 50000-30000
250- 350. 200000 - 50000 ranks.
Less than 250 marks
More than 200000 ranks

All India 1090085 appeared and 611539 cleared.

TN 83859 appeared and 32570 cleared.

In TN only 740 candidates have scored above 400.

All India 30000 students have scored more than 400.

Of 1090085 appeared 30000 have scored above 400.

So as in TN of 83859 appeared the expected scoring as per All India scoring rate must be 2307.
But the actual no of candidates above 400 are only 740 which means only one third of the scoring rate of other state students. 

This may be applicable to next scoring range also ie 300 to 400 marks.
In TN these cleared students have scored between 656 and 131.

All India nearly 20000 candidates have scored between 350 and 400.

Extrapolating this to TN with 83859 candidates and assuming a scoring strength of 33% ie one third of All India scoring strength the actual expected candidates may be 1538 and the really existing candidates with this marks may be 513 only.

All India 150000 candidated have scored between 250 and 350. 

Extrapolating this to TN and considering that the available news indicate that there is a large no of students spread in this range when compared to higher marks range a scoring strength of 40% may be assumed for this mark range, we can expect 40% of expected students of 11540 calculating to 2890 students would have scored between 250 and 350 in TN

All India 98100 candidates have scored between 190 and 225.

Most of the TN students have scored in this range as per available reports.

Extrapolating the All India pattern to TN for the 83859 candidates appeared the no candidates in this mark range may be 7547.

All India 32703 candidates have scored between 225 and 250. Applying the same scoring strength to TN candidates the no of candidates in TN for a total of 83859 is 251.

So the total expected candidates between 190 and 656 are 

740+513+2890+251+7547 = 11941.

All India 174412 candidates have scored between 190 and 131. Extrapolating this to TN total the expected candidates are 13417. 

But actually 20860 candidates may be in this range as the scoring strength for higher marks are only 30 to 40 % the remaining candidates must have scored less marks as in this range.

So at the first stage the expected state rank versus marks may be as below.

Upto 400 marks 740 ranks.

350 marks. 740+513= 1253 rank.

250 mark. 740+513+2890= 4143 rank.

225 mark. 740+513+2890+251=4394 rank.

190 marks. 740+513+2890+251+7547= 11941 rank.

Of these deduce 1000 ranks which would have been scored by CBSE candidates. 

So state rank for state board students with 250 marks may come around nearly 3100.

For 225 marks the state board rank may come around 3400.

Keeping in mind that the no of seats available are only 3000 including both Govt Medical Colleges and Private Medical Colleges, the cutoff for OC may be 400 marks, for BC the cutoff may be 350 marks, for MBC 300 marks and for SC/ST 250 marks.

Of the available management seats we can assume one in five candidates can afford for seats.

So the cutoff expected may be 350 for OC, 300 for BC, 250 for MBC and less for SC/ST.

As the deemed university seats go to All India pool there will be more takers for our seats in many universities like Ramachandra, Savitha, SRM and Mahatma Gandhi from nearby states especially from Kerala. As there is only central reservation followed here the OC have got more chances to get seats and reserved category may get less than expected seats.

Overall the cutoff may be over at 10 marks below the Private Medical Colleges cutoff.

For those candidates who are not able to make up upto this stage the only options left behind are less prominant deemed universities like Vinayaga Mission, Lakshmi Narayana etc.

These are only predictions and are not scientifically based.

There may be lots of faults in this prediction.

This is only to help parents to get ready to what may happen in the next few weeks.

See Translation
Reply17 mins

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