வியாழன், 26 ஜனவரி, 2017

1) டி  சிட்டர் வெளி
2) டி சிட்டர் எதிர் வெளி
3) symmetry determines interactions
4) பிரபஞ்ச மாறிலி
5) acclerating universe nobel prize
6) expanding universe nobel prize
strings vibrate in infinite ways. an infinite spectrum of vibrations.
strings have orientation
a string is a line segment indeed, infinitely thin line segment
string theory includes tachyans with negative mass
star trek movies for tachyans
compare: an electron and a string
electron= 10^minus 18
string= plank length 10^minus 33
So, if electron is a lemon or pumpkin coconut foot ball
then string is like a strand of hair
ஒரு இழைக்கும் வேறொரு இழைக்கும்    வேறுபாடு உண்டா

strings are made up of nothing. strings are not made of energy just like particles are
not made of energy
The vibrating string is analogous to a pendulum swinging. A swinging pendulum will have maximum velocity while it is passing through the equilibrium point. This kind of energy is called kinetic energy. The other type of energy, related to position rather than velocity will be maximum at the highest point of swing. This type of energy is called potential energy. The string has the same energy storage characteristics. Only the spring has infinite degree of freedoms (any section on the string is a different mass) while the pendulum only has one.

The continuos vibration of the string, which is called "harmonic motion" is caused by those two types of energy being unable to balance each other. They can be translated to each other only through time and space. When the system is disturbed from its equilibrium, these energies occur in certain amounts and they cause motion. But because they are connected only through time (you don't get any movement if you have lots of speed but no time) they never really reach but keep chasing each other. One is translated to the other and back to the other again. This is called harmonic motion and is actually a circular, never ending motion. It is solved by Euler's Equation and unless there's friction, it continues forever.
why string theory not experimentally proved
LHC two versions and energy scales
simple harmonic motion never ending
cavandish experiment to prove gravitional constant G
baryonic matter = 5%
dark matter = 25%
dark energy= 70%
Not yet detected in any experiment
known and detectable only via gravity
scalar field; e.g higgs field. It is everywhere, no direction. Also atmopheric temperature is a scalar field. At any point in the field, the value of the temperature is a scalar 
vector field: electro magnetic field. gravitational field  
MOND Modified Newtonian Dynamics, an alternate theory for relativity

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